
Maunder Ward HR Specialists provide a service tailored to the needs of our clients. We aim to provide a personal service based on the needs of your organisation. Services include: 
  • Audit of your existing HR policies and procedures
  • Development of a bespoke Employee Handbook and provision of Contracts of Employment
  • Support in the recruitment process
  • Face to face HR support at your place of a work
  • HR support via telephone and email
  • Employment Law Updates as appropriate
Specialised HR Support 
At Maunder Ward HR Specialists we provide services in the following areas:
  • Discipline and Grievance issues – a qualified workplace investigator is able to undertake independent investigations for your organisation. We are also able to provide advice to management during the case and at any subsequent hearings
  • Attendance Management – we can develop a bespoke attendance policy and support you in the implementation of the policy, advising on management of short term and long term absence. We can provide support at any subsequent hearings
  • Performance Issues - we can develop a bespoke capability policy and support you in the implementation of the policy and provide support at any subsequent hearings
  • Change management – we can support your organisation with the employee issues associated with restructuring and provide action plans and documentation to ensure appropriate consultation with employees and, if appropriate, trade unions
  • Redundancy – we can provide advice and support on managing redundancies
  • Mediation - we can provide a mediation service from qualified workplace mediators with experience of successful resolution of workplace issues
We have extensive experience of providing training on HR issues and can provide training in the following areas:
  • Recruitment and Selection
  • Discipline and Grievance Issues
  • Attendance Management
  • Capability Issues
  • Redundancy 

Maunder Ward HR Specialists have a combined experience of 28 years’ of working with schools. We have expertise in Welsh Education HR legislation and guidance along with other relevant national legislation, including the Staffing of Maintained Schools (Wales) Regulations 2006, School Teachers Terms and Conditions Document and Burgundy Book.

We have case-work experience within schools in the following areas: disciplinaries, grievances, capability, sickness absence, restructures, and redundancies. We also have experience of policy development for schools in the full range of HR policies.

Independent investigations
The Welsh Government Circular Number 002/2013 Disciplinary and Dismissal Procedures for School Staff states that: 'An investigator will be impartial, suitably qualified and experienced' and 'where possible the head teacher or chair of governors will arrange for any investigation to be carried out externally'. Maunder Ward HR Specialists are experienced and qualified to carry out all workplace investigations in an impartial and unbiased manner. In addition we have extensive experience of working alongside Education Trade Unions.

Redundancy and restructure support for schools
Many schools find themselves going through a redundancy situation or restructure. These processes will be difficult for all concerned, but if managed well, it can take place in a way which minimises disruption and retains the loyalty of employees by managing their situation fairly and supportively. In many schools this area of work is unfamiliar and you may need HR assistance, support and advice. This can be provided by Maunder HR Specialists who have years’ of experience dealing with redundancies and restructures within schools.

Governor Training
At Maunder Ward HR Specialists we have extensive experience of delivering governor training on HR issues. We also have experience of delivering some of the Welsh Government mandatory governor training modules, i.e. Introduction to New Governors, Role of Chair of Governors and Clerk to Governing Body Training. Some comments from course evaluations are below:
HR Governor Training
"Course leader able to answer all questions immediately"
"Very good presenter - easy to understand and explained very well"
"All of the course content that was delivered was excellent and of great use"
"Responses to questions were excellent"
"Very informative"
"The information was presented in a simple way that was easy to understand"
"Course was very comprehensive and extremely well presented."
Mandatory Governor Training
"The course leader was very knowledgeable and helpful"
"Knowledgeable trainer able to answer all questions"
"The presenter was excellent"
"Best Governor training attended"


Why use an Independent Qualified Investigator?
  • Poorly managed investigations result in unnecessary costs to employers at tribunal. Maunder Ward HR Specialists are trained in managing investigations.
  • Bringing in an independent qualified investigator means that you are much more likely to be able to demonstrate a reasonable investigation which has focussed on the facts and has provided you with a sound basis for the decision that you have made.
Why Maunder Ward HR Specialists?
  • Workplace investigations conducted by Maunder Ward HR Specialists are fair, impartial, prompt and thorough and our independent workplace investigators are focussed and sensitive throughout the investigation process.
  • We deliver our findings in a written report, which deals with evidentiary matters and provides insight into underlying causes such as lack of capability, culture, and management style.
When conducting workplace investigations, Maunder Ward HR Specialists will:
  • Clearly identify the allegations and clarify written Terms of Reference with the client;
  • Review all relevant organisational policies, procedures and codes of conduct, professional standards, relevant industrial instruments and employment contracts;
  • Identify and review relevant legislative obligations;
  • Make other inquiries to verify information put forward as fact including but not limited to the interviewing of the relevant individuals;
  • Write a detailed investigation report outlining the findings and if required, present the report at any subsequent hearings;
  • Provide a thorough de-brief to the client on completion and/ or other parties as directed by the client.
  • Optional services include the provision (on request) of recommendations on relevant management and operational issues.


It is accepted that a significant number of tribunal cases could be prevented by better communication between the parties involved. This view has been extended to include the management of long term absence of employees, with many cases of absenteeism being linked to a breakdown in a relationship at work. Mediation provides an approach to staff conflict which is pragmatic, flexible and informal enabling both parties to achieve a positive outcome.

 Maunder Ward HR Specialists will explore with the client whether mediation is appropriate at no extra cost.

Why use mediation?
  • Put simply, mediation will save time and money and increases staff morale.
  • Conflict in the workplace can result in increased staff turnover, increased sickness absence, lower staff morale, escalating administration and litigation costs and a potential loss of reputation to the employer.
  • Mediation is not a replacement for disciplinary procedures but if used appropriately, it can reintegrate an employee back into the workplace following a disciplinary process.
Why use Maunder Ward HR Specialists?
Whilst more employers are understanding the positive impact of mediators and are looking to train their own staff in this role, there are significant advantages to employing someone external to the organisation. A perception of neutrality of the mediator as a key factor in building credibility. Our extensive experience in mediation enables us to understand the sensitivities around managing a case appropriately and more importantly for the employer, we will advise when a case is not appropriate for mediation, at no extra cost.

"The mediation session was extremely helpful and it resulted in my colleague returning to work following a duration of work related stress.
The mediation brought us together and my colleague soon realised he did not have all the facts and the session was a huge success."
Client C

An employee handbook is an important tool used by employers. It enables organisations to communicate with their employees on expectations of behaviours by setting out policies, work-rules, procedures and benefits.

The handbook can protect employers from Employment Tribunal claims by providing proof that the organisation has undertaken the necessary steps to support employees through the provision of clearly documented and communicated policies and procedures.

Maunder Ward HR specialists can provide a bespoke employee handbook that includes, policies (disciplinary and grievance), employee reward and benefits and expectations of employee behaviours.
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